To find out more about exactly how we did it stay tuned! We will release a full case study this week on Skool showing why we made the decisions we made, step by step how we did everything, lessons we learned from beginning to end, tools we now use and more!

This will impact more businesses than just real estate. If you’re like me it was hard to see the volume of things that could be systemized or automated. Believe it or not the $100,000 in lessons learned taught me way more than $600,000 gain. Just because this deal turned out well doesn’t mean it wasn’t incredibly hard during the process. Full Case Study coming soon!

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Build Things That Build Things

How We Built It: A Tactical Guide to Your First Deal

^————————— Full Study is Live —————————-^

The Deal:

It’s not the most beautiful property in the world but the returns were gorgeous.

It’s not the most beautiful property in the world but the returns were gorgeous.

MNCA Mobile Home Park

Size: 27 Units

Location: Minnesota

The Money:

Purchase Price: $400,000


Seller financing $250,000

Remaining Balance: $150,000

MNCA LLC: How I funded the deal